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List of Publications
Publications in peer reviewed journals
A. Pfrang, K.J. Hüttinger, Th. Schimmel, Adhesion Imaging of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Materials in the Pulsed Force Mode of the AFM, Surface and Interface Analysis 2002; 33(2), 96-99
Abstract Reprint Request
A. Pfrang, B. Reznik, Th. Schimmel, D. Gerthsen, Comparative Study of Differently Textured Pyrolytic Carbon Layers by Atomic Force, Transmission Electron and Polarized Light Microscopy, Carbon 2003; 41(1), 181-185
Reprint Request
E. G. Bortchagovsky, B. Reznik, D. Gerthsen, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Optical properties of pyrolytic carbon deposits deduced from measurements of the extinction angle by polarized light microscopy, Carbon 2003; 41(12), 2430-2433
Reprint Request
A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Quantitative analysis of pyrolytic carbon films by polarized light microscopy, Surface and Interface Analysis 2004; 36, 184-188
Abstract Reprint Request
A. Pfrang, B. Reznik, Th. Schimmel, D. Gerthsen, Microstructure analysis of a carbon-carbon composite using argon ion etching, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2005; 11(1), 46-55
Abstract Reprint Request
M. Kiderlen, A. Pfrang, Algorithms to estimate the rose of directions of a spatial fiber system, Journal of Microscopy 2005; 219(2), 50-60
Abstract Reprint Request
W. Freude, C. Poulton, C. Koos, J. Brosi, M. Fujii, M. Müller, J. Leuthold, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Nano-optical waveguide devices with random deformations and nonlinearities, Conference Digest of the 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT'05), Symposium F: Nano-Optics and Microsystems, Singapore, Malaysia
Reprint Request
W. Freude. C.G. Poulton, C. Koos, J. Brosi, M. Fujii, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, M. Müller, J. Leuthold, Nanostrip and photonic crystal waveguides: the modelling of imperfections, Proc. 15th International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM'06), Varese, Italy, 1-2
Reprint Request
V. De Pauw, A. Collin, W. Send, J. Hawecker, D. Gerthsen, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Deposition rates during the early stages of pyrolytic carbon deposition in a hot-wall reactor and the development of texture, Carbon 2006, 44(11), 3091-3101
Abstract Reprint Request
C.G. Poulton, C. Koos, M. Fujii, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, J. Leuthold, W. Freude, Radiation modes and roughness loss in high index-contrast waveguides, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 2006; Special Issue on Nanophotonics, November/December 2006, 12(6), 1306-1321
Abstract Reprint Request
B. J. Mullins, A. Pfrang, R.D. Braddock, Th. Schimmel, G. Kasper, Detachment of liquid droplets from fibres – experimental and theoretical evaluation of detachment force due to interfacial tension effects, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2007, 312, 333-340
Abstract Reprint Request
A. Pfrang, K. Schladitz, A. Wiegmann, Th. Schimmel, Calculation of the evolution of surface area and free volume during the infiltration of fiber felts, Chemical Vapor Deposition 2007, 13(12), 705-715
Abstract Reprint Request
N. Deyneka-Dupriez, U. Herr, H-J. Fecht, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, B. Reznik, D. Gerthsen, Interfacial adhesion and friction of pyrolytic carbon thin films on silicon substrates, Journal of Materials Research 2008, 23(10), 2749-2756
Abstract Reprint Request
G.J.M. Janssen, E.F. Sitters, A. Pfrang, Proton-exchange-membrane fuel cells durability evaluated by load-on/off cycling, Journal of Power Sources 2009, 191(2), 501-509
Abstract Reprint Request
A. Pitois, J.C. Davies, A. Pilenga, A. Pfrang, G. Tsotridis, Kinetic study of CO desorption from Rt/Pu PEM fuel cell anodes: Temperature dependence and associated microstructural transformations, Journal of Catalysis 2009, 265(2), 199-208
Abstract Reprint Request 2009 JRC Excellence Award for the best peer-reviewed scientific paper received from the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
A. Pfrang, Y.Z. Wan, Th. Schimmel, Early stages of the chemical vapor deposition of pyrolytic carbon investigated by atomic force microscopy, Carbon 2010, 48(3), 921-923
Abstract Reprint Request
A. Pfrang, D. Veyret, F. Sieker, G. Tsotridis, X-ray computed tomography of gas diffusion layers of PEM fuel cells: Calculation of thermal conductivity, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2010, 35(8), 3751-3757
Abstract Reprint Request
A. Pitois, A. Pilenga, A. Pfrang, G. Tsotridis, B. Abrams, L.B. Chorkendorff, Temperature dependence of CO desorption kinetics at a novel Pt-on-Au/C PEM fuel cell anode, Chemical Engineering Journal 2010, 162(1), 314-321
Abstract Reprint Request
A. Pitois, A.Pilenga, A. Pfrang, G. Tsotridis, Temperature-dependent CO desorption kinetics on supported gold nanoparticles: Relevance to clean hydrogen production and fuel cell systems, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2011, 36(7), 4375-4385
Abstract Reprint Request
A. Pfrang, D. Veyret, G. Janssen, G. Tsotridis, Imaging of membrane electrode assemblies of proton exchange membrane fuel cells by X-ray computed tomography, Journal of Power Sources 2011, 196(12), 5272-5276
Abstract Reprint Request
Books / Pulications in books
A. Pfrang, Von den Frühstadien der Pyrokohlenstoffabscheidung bis zum Kompositwerkstoff - Untersuchungen mit Rastersondenverfahren, Dissertation, Verlag Dr. Hut, München 2005, ISBN 3-89963-133-1
Abstract Deutsch Abstract English Order
A. Pfrang, D. Veyret, G. Tsotridis, Computation of thermal conductivity of gas diffusion layers of PEM fuel cells, in: Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer, A. Ahsan (Ed.), InTech, Rijeka, Croatia 2011, ISBN 978-953-307-582-2, 215-232
Abstract Full Manuscript
Other Papers
A. Pfrang, I. Yalman, H. Gliemann, K. J. Hüttinger, Th. Schimmel, Investigation of Chemical Vapor Infiltrated Carbon Fiber Felts by Combined Scanning Force Techniques, Carbon 2002, An International Conference on Carbon, 2002, H048, 27.5
Abstract Full Manuscript
A. Pfrang, B. Reznik, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel, A Comparative Study of Pyrocarbon Microstructure by Atomic Force, Transmission Electron and Polarized Light Microscopy, Carbon 2002, An International Conference on Carbon, H052, P2-65
Abstract Full Manuscript
V. De Pauw, A. Collin, W. Send, D. Gerthsen, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Early stages of pyrolytic carbon deposition on planar substrates in a hot-wall reactor, Carbon 2003, Oviedo, Spanien, Juli 2003, Paper B15
Abstract Full Manuscript
A. Pfrang, B. Reznik, Th. Schimmel, D. Gerthsen, Microstructure analysis of a carbon-carbon composite using argon ion etching, Poster Carbon 2004, Providence, USA, Juli 2004.
Abstract Full Manuscript
A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Quantitative analysis of pyrolytic carbon by polarized light microscopy, Poster Carbon 2004,
, Juli 2004.
A. Pfrang, Y.Z. Wan, V. De Pauw, W. Send, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel, Early stages of the chemical vapor deposition of pyrolytic carbon investigated by atomic force microscopy, Vortrag Carbon 2004, Providence, USA, Juli 2004.
A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Intermediate phases of pyrolytic carbon observed by atomic force microscopy, Poster Carbon 2004, Providence, USA, Juli 2004.
Abstract Full Manuscript
V. De Pauw, A. Collin, W. Send, D. Gerthsen, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Microscopic investigations of pyrolytic carbon islands deposited on silicon substrates, Vortrag Carbon 2004, Providence, USA, Juli 2004.
Abstract Full Manuscript
A. Pfrang, Raman-Mikroskopie – Stoffidentifikation und Molekülverteilungsbilder, FFD im Dialog, Ausgabe 2 / 2007, Juni 2007, 3-5.
A. Pfrang, Stoffidentifikation und Molekülverteilungsbilder, Moderne Anwendung der Raman-Mikroskopie, Polymer Forschung 2007, 5(1), 86-87.
A. Pfrang, M. Müller, Th. Schimmel, Chemical contrast imaging: Die Abbildung chemischer Kontraste mit dem Rasterkraftmikroskop, Photonik, April 2008.
Full Manuscript
A. Pfrang, Fuel cell testing – Degradation of fuel cells and its impact on fuel cell applications, GIT Laboratory Journal Europe 2009, 13(3-4), 42-44.
Full Manuscript
Publications at conferences or workshops
A. Pfrang, I. Yalman und Th. Schimmel, AFM-Untersuchungen an kohlenstofffaserverstärkten Kohlenstoffen: Von der Einzelfaser bis zum infiltrierten Filz, Oral presentation DPG-Frühjahrstagung Regensburg, März 2000 Abstract
A. Pfrang, I. Yalman und Th. Schimmel, Pyrolytische Abscheidung von Kohlenstoffschichten: Rasterkraftmikroskopische Untersuchung der Schichtmorphologie, Poster DPG-Frühjahrstagung Regensburg, März 2000 Abstract
A. Pfrang, W. Send, D. Gerthsen and Th. Schimmel, Chemical vapor deposited carbon: Adhesion and wear on the nanometer scale studied by AFM, Poster International Workshop on Nanoscience and Technology, Zichron, Israel, Mai 2000
A. Pfrang, U. Sutter, W. Send, D. Gerthsen and Th. Schimmel, Adhesion and wear of pyrolytic carbon layers investigated by atomic force microscopy, Poster NATO Advanced Study Institute, Fundamentals of and bridging the gap between macro- and micro/nano tribology, Keszthely, Ungarn, August 2000
A. Pfrang, U. Sutter, W. Send, D. Gerthsen and Th. Schimmel, Adhesion and Wear of Pyrolytic Carbon Layers Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy, Poster SXM4, Münster, September 2000
A. Pfrang, H. Gliemann and Th. Schimmel, Infiltrated Carbon Fiber Felts Investigated by AFM, Poster SXM4, Münster, September 2000
A. Pfrang, U. Sutter, W. Send, D. Gerthsen and Th. Schimmel, Nanometer-Scale Wear and Adhesion of Pyrolytic Carbon Layers Investigated by Scanning Force Techniques, International Workshop on "Characterization and Development of Nanosystems", Peking, China, November 2000
A. Pfrang, H. Gliemann and Th. Schimmel, Infiltrated Carbon Fiber Felts Investigated by AFM, International Workshop on "Characterization and Development of Nanosystems", Peking, China, November 2000
A. Pfrang, U. Sutter, H. Gliemann and Th. Schimmel, Infiltrated Carbon Fiber Bundles Investigated by Combined Scanning Force Techniques, Poster
, März 2001
U. Sutter, A. Pfrang, W. Send, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel, Rasterkraftmikroskopische Untersuchung der Haft- und Abriebeigenschaften von Pyrolytischen Kohlenstoff-Schichten, Oral presentation DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Hamburg, März 2001 Abstract
V. De Pauw, A. Collin, W. Send, D. Gerthsen, A. Pfrang and Th. Schimmel, Early Stages of Pyrocarbon Deposition on Plane Substrates in a Hot Wall Reactor, Oral presentation Journées Scientifiques du GFEC (Groupe Français d'Étude des Carbones), Autrans, Frankreich, März 2002
A. Pfrang, U. Sutter, Th. Schimmel, Wachstum, Tribologie und Abrieb ultradünner Kohlenstoffschichten: Untersuchungen mittels Rasterkraftmikroskopie, Poster Kongress NanoDE, Bonn, Mai 2002
A. Pfrang,
Yalman, Th. Schimmel, Mikroskopische Eigenschaften von Kohlenstoff-Verbundwerkstoffen: Untersuchungen mittels Reibungs-, Adhäsions- und Kraftmodulationsmikroskopie, Poster Kongress NanoDE, Bonn, Mai 2002
A. Pfrang, W. Send, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel, Growth, Adhesion and Wear of Pyrolytic Carbon Thin Films Studied on the Nanometer Scale, Poster Heraeus Seminar Integrating Friction and Wear Research, Ilmenau, Mai 2002
A. Pfrang, I. Yalman, Th. Schimmel, Tribological and Adhesive Properties of Carbon/Carbon Composites on a Microscopic Scale Investigated by Scanning Force Techniques, Poster Heraeus Seminar Integrating Friction and Wear Research, Ilmenau, Mai 2002
A. Pfrang, W. Send, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel, Growth, Adhesion and Wear of Pyrolytic Carbon Thin Films Studied on the Nanometer Scale, Poster German-Chinese Workshop on Fundamentals and Application of Nano Science: Building Blocks, Modeling and Structuring, Karlsruhe, Juli 2002
A. Pfrang, I. Yalman, Th. Schimmel, Tribological and Adhesive Properties of Carbon/Carbon Composites on a Microscopic Scale Investigated by Scanning Force Techniques, Poster German-Chinese Workshop on Fundamentals and Application of Nano Science: Building Blocks, Modeling and Structuring, Karlsruhe, Juli 2002
A. Pfrang, B. Reznik, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel, Comparative Study of Pyrocarbon Microstructure by Atomic Force, Transmission Electron and Polarized Light Microscopy, Poster German-Chinese Workshop on Fundamentals and Application of Nano Science: Building Blocks, Modeling and Structuring, Karlsruhe, Juli 2002
A. Pfrang, I. Yalman, H. Gliemann, K. J. Hüttinger, Th. Schimmel, Investigation of Chemical Vapor Infiltrated Carbon Fiber Felts by Combined Scanning Force Techniques, Oral presentation Carbon 2002, Peking, China, September 2002
Abstract |
A. Pfrang, B. Reznik, D. Gerthsen, Th.
Schimmel, A Comparative Study of Pyrocarbon Microstructure by Atomic Force, Transmission Electron and Polarized Light Microscopy, Poster Carbon 2002, Peking, China, September 2002
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A. Pfrang, Carbon from the Vapor Phase Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy, Oral presentation at the Research Institute of Micro/Nanometer Science & Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, September 2002
A. Pfrang, AFM an Kohlenstoff aus der Gasphase - Struktur und mikroskopische Eigenschaften, Oral presentation Institut für Angewandte Physik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe, Januar 2003
V. De Pauw, A. Collin, W. Send, D. Gerthsen, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Early stages of pyrolytic carbon deposition on planar substrates in a hot-wall reactor, Oral presentation Carbon 2003, Oviedo, Spanien, Juli 2003
A. Pfrang, Y.Z. Wan, Th. Schimmel, Investigation of the early stages of the chemical vapor deposition of pyrolytic carbon by atomic force microscopy, Poster Nano 2004, 7th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Wiesbaden, Juni 2004.
N. Deyneka-Dupriez, H.-J. Fecht, U. Herr, Th. Schimmel, A. Pfrang, Tribological Study of nanostructured Aluminium and Al-Based Materials, Poster Nano 2004, 7th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Wiesbaden, Juni 2004.
A. Pfrang, Von den Frühstadien der Pyrokohlenstoffabscheidung bis zum Kompositwerkstoff - Untersuchungen mit Rastersondenverfahren, Oral presentation Abteilung Modelle und Algorithmen in der Bildverarbeitung, Fraunhofer Institut Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik, Kaiserslautern, Juli 2004.
A. Pfrang, B. Reznik, Th. Schimmel, D. Gerthsen, Microstructure analysis of a carbon-carbon composite using argon ion etching, Poster Carbon 2004, Providence, USA, Juli 2004.
A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Quantitative analysis of pyrolytic carbon by polarized light microscopy, Poster Carbon 2004, Providence, USA, Juli 2004.
A. Pfrang, Y.Z. Wan, V. De Pauw, W. Send, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel, Early stages of the chemical vapor deposition of pyrolytic carbon investigated by atomic force microscopy, Oral presentation Carbon 2004, Providence, USA, Juli 2004.
A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Intermediate phases of pyrolytic carbon observed by atomic force microscopy, Poster Carbon 2004, Providence, USA, Juli 2004.
V. De Pauw, A. Collin, W. Send, D. Gerthsen, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Microscopic investigations of pyrolytic carbon islands deposited on silicon substrates, Oral presentation Carbon 2004, Providence, USA, Juli 2004.
V. De Pauw, A. Collin, W. Send, D. Gerthsen, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Early stages of pyrolytic carbon deposition, Oral presentation EMC 2004: 13th European Microscopy Congress, Antwerpen, Belgien, August 2004.
A. Pfrang, Y.Z. Wan, Th. Schimmel, Direct observation of intermediate phases of pyrolytic carbon by atomic force microscopy, Poster Carbon 2005, Gyeongju, Korea, 2005.
Abstract Extended Abstract Best Poster Award
A. Pfrang, K. Schladitz, A. Wiegmann, Th. Schimmel, Calculation of the evolution of surface area and free volume during the infiltration of fiber felts, Oral presentation Carbon 2005, Gyeongju, Korea, 2005.
Abstract Extended Abstract
A. Pfrang, D. Bach, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel. Texture analysis of pyrolytic carbon by polarized light microscopy and selected area electron diffraction: A quantitative model for the correlation between extinction angle and orientation angle, Oral presentation Carbon 2005,
, 2005.
Abstract Extended Abstract
W. Freude, C. Poulton, C. Koos, J. Brosi, M. Fujii, M. Müller, J. Leuthold, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel , Nano-optical waveguide devices with random deformations and nonlinearities, fiberInvited Talk 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2005, Symposium F: Nano-Optics and MicrosystemsGyeongju, Singapore, 2005.
A. Pfrang, Y.Z. Wan, Th. Schimmel, Pyrolytic carbon coatings for medical applications investigated by atomic force microscopy,Poster CFN Summer School Nano-Biology, Bad Herrenalb, Germany, 2005.
A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Pyrolytic carbon coated stents investigated by atomic force microscopy, Poster Frontiers Annual Meeting, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2005.
N. Deyneka-Dupriez, K. Brühne, H.-J. Fecht, U. Herr, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, J. Weißmüller, Nanotribologie und synthetische Reibkontakte an nanostrukturierten Oberflächen, Poster Workshop Kompetenznetz „Funktionelle Nanostrukturen“ Baden-Württemberg, Bad Herrenalb, Germany, 2005.
C.G. Poulton, C. Koos, M. Fujii, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, J. Leuthold, W. Freude, Roughness in high index-contrast waveguides, Oral presentation COST ("European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research") P11, Twente, Niederlande, 2005.
A. Pfrang, K. Schladitz, A. Wiegmann, Th. Schimmel, Calculation of the evolution of surface area and free volume during the infiltration of fiber felts, Poster Spring Meeting European and German Physical Society, Dresden, Germany, 2006.
A. Pfrang, Y.Z. Wan, Th. Schimmel, Direct observation of intermediate phases of pyrolytic carbon by atomic force microscopy, Poster Spring Meeting European and German Physical Society, Dresden, Germany, 2006.
A. Pfrang, D. Bach, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel, Texture characterization of pyrolytic carbon layers: a quantitative study by polarized light microscopy and selected area electron diffraction, Oral presentation Spring Meeting European and German Physical Society, Dresden, Germany, 2006.
A. Li, O. Deutschmann, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Transient 2D simulation of CVI of methane using multi-step deposition and hydrogen inhibition models, Oral presentation Carbon 2006, Aberdeen, Scotland, 2006.
A. Pfrang, R. Ermel, T. Beck, E. Kerscher, M. Müller, C. Ziebert, S. Ulrich, Th. Schimmel, Mechanical properties of pyrolytic carbon analyzed by nanoindentation, atomic force microscopy and laser scanning confocal microscopy, Poster Carbon 2006, Aberdeen, Scotland, 2006.
A. Pfrang, V. De Pauw, M. Guellali, R. Oberacker, M. Hoffmann, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel, Texture analysis of pyrolytic carbon by polarized light microscopy, x-ray diffraction and selected area electron diffraction: A quantitative model, Oral presentation Carbon 2006, Aberdeen, Scotland, 2006.
Abstract Extended Abstract
A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, Pyrolytic carbon surfaces investigated by atomic force microscopy, Poster Carbon 2006, Aberdeen, Scotland, 2006.
Abstract Extended Abstract
A. Pfrang, Kleine Ursache – Große Wirkung, Oral presentation 5. Oberflächen-Technik-Tag, Freudenberg Vliesstoffe KG, Weinheim, Germany, 2006.
A. Pfrang, Mikroskopie an Elastomeren, Oral presentation Elastomer-Seminar: Verfahren, Freudenberg Forschungsdienste KG, Weinheim, Germany, März 2007.
S. Walheim, M. Barczewski, R. Gröger, M. Müller, A. Pfrang, B. Riedel, Ch. Obermair, Th. Koch und Th. Schimmel, Chemical patterning and chemical contrast imaging with the tip of an atomic force microscope, Poster Nano 2007, Chisinau, Moldova, 2007.
S. Walheim, M. Barczewski, R. Gröger, M. Müller, A. Pfrang, B. Riedel, Ch. Obermair, Th. Koch und Th. Schimmel, Chemical patterning and chemical contrast imaging with the tip of an atomic force microscope, Poster EMRS Spring Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 2007.
A. Pfrang, Mikroskopie an Elastomeren, Vortrag Elastomer-Seminar: Verfahren, Freudenberg Forschungsdienste KG, Weinheim, Germany, September 2007.
A. Pfrang, Confocal Raman microscopy – substance identification and molecule distribution images, Poster Innovationsforum Freudenberg Forschungsdienste, Weinheim, Germany 2007.
A. Pfrang, R. Ermel, E. Kerscher, T. Beck, Th. Schimmel, Quantitative measurement of fiber pull-out by laser scanning confocal microscopy, Oral presentation Workshop on Mechanical testing for next generation nuclear systems, Petten, The Netherlands, 2008.
J.A.Z. Pieterse, J.W. Dijkstra, J. Boon, Y.C. van Delft, A. Pfrang, M. Ligthart, E.J.M. Hensen, R.W. van den Brink, Steam reforming in membrane reactors using nickel catalysts, Oral presentation 21st North American Catalysis Society Meeting (NAM), San Francisco, USA, 2009.
A. Pfrang, D. Veyret, Microstructure analysis and calculation of thermal conductivity of gas diffusion layers of PEM fuel cells, Poster European Fuel Cell Forum 2009, Luzern, Switzerland, 2009.
A. Pfrang, A. Pitois, G. Tsotridis, G.J.M. Janssen, E.F. Sitters, J.A.Z. Pieterse, Investigation of supported catalyst nanoparticles by transmission electron microscopy, Poster Microscopy Conference 2009, Graz, Austria, 2009.
A. Pfrang, A. Pitois, D. Veyret, G. Janssen, Micro- and nanostructure analysis of PEM fuel cell components, Colloquium of ECN (Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands) and Institute for Energy, JRC, European Commission, Petten, Netherlands, 2010.
D. Veyret, A. Pfrang, G. Tsotridis, Modeling of PEMFC, Oral presentation IEA (International Energy Agency) Annex 22 - Spring workshop, Petten, Netherlands, 2010.
A. Pfrang, A. Pitois, D. Veyret, G. Janssen, Micro- and nanostructure analysis of PEM fuel cell components, Oral presentation IEA (International Energy Agency) Annex 22 - Spring workshop, Petten, Netherlands, 2010.
A. Pfrang, D. Veyret, G. Tsotridis, Investigation of gas diffusion layers of PEM fuel cells by x-ray computed tomography, Poster Ulm ElectroChemical Talks 2010, Ulm, Germany, 2010.
A. Pfrang, A. Pitois, A. Pilenga, G. Tsotridis, Investigation of PEM fuel cell electrodes by transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction, Poster International Conference on Materials for Energy, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2010.
Extended Abstract
A. Pfrang, D. Veyret, G. Tsotridis, G. Janssen, X-ray computed tomography of PEM fuel cells, Oral presentation International Conference on Materials for Energy, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2010.
Extended Abstract
A. Pfrang, D. Veyret, G. Janssen, G. Tsotridis, Micro- and nanostructure analysis of PEM fuel cell components: From 2D to 3D imaging, Oral presentation Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserlautern, Germany, 2010.
A. Pfrang, Micro- and nanostructure analysis of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, Oral presentation JRC award ceremony, Ispra, Italy, 2011.
A. Pfrang, D. Veyret, G. Tsotridis, G. Janssen, X-ray computed tomography of PEM fuel cells, Oral presentation 2nd symposium on Advances in Dutch Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2011.
A. Pfrang, D. Veyret, G. Tsotridis, X-ray computed tomography of gas diffusion layers and membrane electrode assemblies of PEM fuel cells, Poster Microscopy Conference 2011, Kiel, Germany, 2011.
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